I was sent this email the other day from Ian Knox who uses every day his Thermal Cooker, Cobb and Ghillie Kettle for cooking. He lives near Southampton in UK and as you can see is certainly do his bit towards trying to Helping Mother Earth.
The figures are for savings made between January to August 2009 compare to the same period 2008.
The figures are for savings made between January to August 2009 compare to the same period 2008.
Ian's emails (all of these are published with Ian's permission)
As discussed my energy bills have been reduced from 76 GBP per month to as you can see 49GBP per month this reduction has been achieved by using the Cobb rather than our conventional oven.
From Ian's energy company:
Some good news: we are reducing your monthly Direct Debit to £49
We have reviewed your payments including your current credit balance of £2.63, and have calculated that we can reduce your monthly Direct Debit to £49.00.
You do not need to do anything as we'll start taking the new amount on 1 May 2009.
Hello Dave
Just a quick update on things.
Firstly you will be pleased to know that my energy tracker with Eon shows that we have made a saving of 8.7% on electricity and 32.8%on gas by using Cobb,Shuttle chef and Ghillie Kettle which amounts to 111KWH of energy saved which is enough to light an average house for seven weeks on energy saving light bulbs.
Hello Dave
This is taken from our eon on line account, please feel free to use the information as you wish.
Your Energy Consumption Summary:
111 kWh energy saved = enough energy to light an average house* for 7 weeks using energy saving light bulbs the current year, your energy usage has:
Overall - Electricity plus Gas
gone down by 26.9%
Electricity - gone down by 8.7%
Gas - gone down by 32.8%
2009 - 3.139 Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide
* 9,659 Miles travelled in an average sized car.**
Your CO2 emissions have gone down - a reduction of 0.651 tonnes on 2008
REALLY GREAT NEWS!!! You can not only heat and cool your home the clean , earth-friendly geothermal way but also your POOL! This information is well worth looking into-Francis http://www...geothermalquestions.net